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Cross-Selling and Up-Selling of eco products

You may have had a customer walking in asking you for seasoning firewood without getting anything else? The study shows that you can boost up selling up to 35% by offering what is bought frequently or necessary together. I will show you some examples how cross-selling can be done in your business.

Here are some cross-selling tips used in the business:

#Try to recommend products or accessories connected with the sold product. For instances: customers buying solid fuel will be looking for eco firelighters to light fire or customers looking to buy fireplaces or stoves will be looking for seasoning firewood supply. Many businesses have chosen this approach to offer wide range of products and promote new products in order to keep more customers around their business.

#Make some amazing bundles with products and accessories that go together. A couple of eco firelighters inserted in bundle of firewood encourage purchase immediately. A full pellet of wood briquettes with one extra box of eco firelighters free of charge can motivate customers for the repeat order.

#Suggest to your customers to try new products when they make initial purchase. The whole customer’s journey starts by trying out new things. This can lead to recommendations or repeat orders.

#Some retailers are showing a complete set of products matching each other. You may see fireplaces or stoves together with seasoning firewood or chimney accessories. #Some businesses may find cross-selling as a way to get more leads. Recommendations are the oldest way of sharing information between people about products and services. This is something that is built up many years and it is very hard for competitors to copy.

These techniques that I have mentioned above are not limited. Everything depends on the needs of your customers and their interest to spend money on new products.

Sources: Cross-Selling; March 2018; What is the difference between upselling and cross-selling?, March 2018 5 Advantages of Cross Selling to Existing Customers; March 2018

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