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Branding of eco products

Just to give you thoughts about the eco products and private branding.

In nowadays, a privilege of having own branded products does not belong to corporates or wholesalers. With a current technology and access to the internet, businesses have lots of opportunities to come up with products on the level of their competitors. It’s just a matter of finding a suitable manufactory that production process and products are suitable with your business strategy.

In this article, we will give you 5 unbeatable reasons why you should go for eco (natural) firelighters with your own branding:

1#Customers are willing to pay more for the private, eco products which are often more profitable than those of national brands. The current research shows that customers are willing to pay more for those products giving them higher value and sustainability.

2#Production and certification of your product is guaranteed by the factory that cares about the environment and society where your product is made.Production process often possess several certifications such as FSC etc. which can be presented towards your customers.

3#You are in charge. With private branding, you have a complete control over the development, merchandising and creating unique and outstanding image of the product representing the company’s values.A well-branded product can improve your identity, loyalty and recognition.

4#Tailored free private branding on the base of your own specifications, including name, description, contact information combined with your logo.

5#Your private branding is harder for competitors to match and price check similar products.

The current trends show us that companies selling solid fuels are investing lots of money in developing new eco products which improving environment and have better value for daily life.

Has it inspired you? … Let’s get it done together!

Sources: 10 Advantages of private label branding, April 2018 3 reasons why retailers are introducing their own house brands, May 2018 Eco Friendly Products Make More Money, March 2018

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